Thursday, March 7, 2013

POEM: Prayers are the Best Meds

So this is the first time I will join the Verse First in Poets United. Since it is all about Cure, hope this one will make sense with the topic required. I just remembered how scared am I when my father was rushed in a hospital. And I told myself, I don't want to be in an ambulance ever again. Let me know what you think after you read this... ;)

Concentration broke with the wail
Saw a man lying, pale
There's a woman on his side with a face of fail
I'm at the back holding the bill.

We're in the bus of fastest
People-in were on their weakest
The road were the busiest
I began to worry holding my fist.

As the man hear me talk
He forced himself, he spoke
"Take care of your mom, she'll cook"
Tears flowed my cheeks, she looked.

"You'll be okay" I replied
My mom held him and spied
She didn't go away his side
So do I.

He slept for a while
The bus run another mile
I looked the grip of his hand
To my mom's right armband.

He began to breathe deeply,
I thank God willingly
We don't want to loss him truly
"We've arrived," I told them gladly.

I can feel his pain
Rushing through my vein
Nurses were rushing in
Checking him with a keen.

Inside the white room
Everything's like a doom
All we're sitting with a loom
I sighted all patients in a zoom. 

The room seems clean
Yet it's full of things so mean
It's safe as it seems
But our hearts were on dim.

Prayers are the best medicine
I told myself, I'm expecting
My mom, I heard crying
"Don't worry God will help us," He's looking. 


  1. Exactly... thanks Laurie for reading.. ;)

  2. What a frightening experience. Your faith shines through this piece. thanks for joining us at Verse First. I hope you'll take the opportunity to read the other posts and share your thoughts.

  3. Yes Kim... I will... and your piece The Cure is the best!.. ;)

  4. can feel his pain
    Rushing through my vein
    Nurses were rushing in

    I like the flow and the use of words, lots to be admired here!

  5. I am right with you in this poem. I experience it through your words. I can sense the fear; and I do think prayer is important in a situation like this.

    1. Thank yoy so much for reading... i was really scared that time..

  6. A very dramatic experience, movingly told.

  7. your faith wins ... a dramatic experience ... and a brilliant write ...

    1. Thanks for reading... i really appreciate it... coming from an experienced poet like yoy...
